De todos es sabido que cuando Kirby se come algo, automáticamente muta para adoptar sus características.

Pero ¿qué pasaría si le dejamos comer a sus anchas por otros videojuegos?

El resultado, una currada monumental:

Pincha para verlo más grande

El dibujo, llamado The 126 faces of Kirby, es obra de Buci01

Si queréis ver la lista completa de personajes imitados, la tenéis después del salto:

Kirby: Kirby on Warpstar
Assassin’s Creed: Altair
Balloon Fight: Balloon Fighter
Bubble Bobble: Bub, Bob, Metaknight as prey
Chrono Trigger: Crono, Ayla, Robo, Lucca, Frog, Magus, Marle, Lavos Bit
Conker’s Bad Fur Day: Conker
Cool Spot: Cool Spot
Day of the Tentacle: Bernard Bernoulli, Hoagie, Lavern, Purple
Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong
Drill Dozer: Drill Dozer + Deco-Jill-Head
F-Zero: Captain Falcon
Game & Watch: Mr. Game & Watch
Geist: John Raimi
Glover: Glover
Golden Sun: Isaac, Felix
Grim Fandango: Manny Calavera
Hotel Dusk Roon 215: Kyle Hyde
Ice Climber: Kirby as Popo, Metaknight as Nana
Impossible Creatures: Kirby as Rex Chance, Meta Knight as Wolfian (half Wolf, half Skorpion, half Metaknight…)
Jazz Jackrabbit: Jazz
Jumping Flash: Jumping Flash Thing
Kid Icarus: Pit, Palutena, Eggplant Wizard, Medusa
Legend of Zelda: Link + Navi, Zelda, Gannondorf, Twilight Princess, Wolf Link, Dark Beast Ganon, Midna, Sheik
Megaman: Mega Man
Metal Gear: Solid Snake, Gray Fox
Metroid: Samus, Zero Suit Samus, Ridley, Mother Brain, Metroid attacking Metaknight, Chozo, Space Pirat
Mischief Makers: Marina
Monkey Island: Guybrush Threepwood, Zombie Pirate LeChuck, Elaine Marley, Lemonhead, Stan, Three-headed Monkey
Mother: Ness
Oddworld: Kirby as Abe possessing Metaknight
Pac-Man: Kirby as Pac-Man, Metaknight as Pokey the yellow Ghost
Phoenix Wright: Phoenix Wright
Pikmin: Olimar + red, blue, yellow Pikmin
Plok: Plok
PoKéMoN: Red, Pikachu, Voltorb, Onix, Mewtwo, Victreebel
Portal: Chell with Companion Cube, GLaDOS, Chell again
Q*bert: Q*bert
Rayman Raving Rabbids: Rabbid
Rocket Robot on Wheels: Rocket Robot on only one Wheel
Sam&Max: Sam, Max
Secret of Evermore: Boy with Toaster Dog
Secret of Mana: Randi, Purin, Popoi
Simon the Sorcerer: Simon
Skull Monkeys: Klayman, Skullmonkey
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic, Tails
Soul Calibur: Isabella «Ivy» Valentine
Star Fox: Fox McCloud, Wolf O’Donnell, Krystal, Andross
Street Fighter 2: Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Dhalsim, E. Honda, Vega
Super Mario Bros: Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Bowser Jr., Toad, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina with Luma, Shyguy, Wario, Waluigi
Team Fortress 2: Sniper, Scout, Soldier, Spy, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy Guy, Medic, Mechanic
Terranigma: Underworld Ark + Pandorra (Europe: Fluffy)
Tetris: T-Block, Metaknight as S-Block
Tomb Raider: Lara Croft
Trauma Center: Dr. Derek Stiles operating on Meta Knight
Worms: Bazooka Worm

Categorías: General

3 comentarios

nmlss · 27/04/2010 a las 13:14

El mejor, sin duda, el Falcon Kirby.

trebor20 · 27/04/2010 a las 18:01

No sabía que Kirby imitaba a tantos personajes xD

GredXII · 28/04/2010 a las 0:24

Bubble Bobble for the win, me encanta Kirby, es genial 😉

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